Venus Jasper is a Queer visual artist, storyteller, world builder, singer-priestess, writer, and curator, based between Amsterdam and Antwerp.
Announchement: EARTHBOUND SYMPOSIUM 2025: Soil & water – the sensuous fundaments for life.
Interview: check out this beautiful in-dept talk with Garage Rotterdam about my lastest work.
Exhibition: showing a brand new installation at Garage Rotterdam as part of Ghosts of Futures Past.
Exhibition: my work is part of this AIRIE residency alumni exhibition, in Florida (USA).
Upcoming: my music record BZZ BZZ is coming together. To be released next spring!
Talk: my Artist Talk and Q&A with Lee Pivnik at Green Space Miami is now online!
Granted: thank you Mondrian Fund for granting the Artist Basis, a couple years of support!
Residency: all of May, I'll be at the AIRIE residency in the Everglades National Park (USA)
Open Studio: come by for my Open studio presentation at my new art studio!
My new website is online!
I'm speaking at Earthbound Symposium 2023, Denmark
Teaching my six-week course Future Fields at BEAR ArtEZ, Arnhem
Murky Murky, Little Bitch Witch is out on all platforms!
Networking: I am visiting the Bienal de São Paulo with Mondriaan Fund!
Residency: I'll be spending the entire month at SÍM Residency, Reykjavik (IS)
Performing at LungA Festival in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland
Engagements at Earth Bonds symposium, Rupert Vilnius (LT)
Talk: interviewing Dr. Vandana Shiva for Earth Craft symposium, The Hague
Exhibition: large-scale soloshow EARTHSHRINE - Sensing Sacred Soils, opens May 13th at MU, Eindhoven!
Exhibition: art manifestation RE_NATURE opens soon!
Artspace Garage Rotterdam spoke with Venus Jasper (Griepink), currently showcasing work in the exhibition Ghosts of Futures Past. Read more about the challenges of the current times, spirited post-capitalisms, and Venus Jaspers’ multidisciplinary practice and inspirations below!
As part of my month-long AiR at AIRIE Everglades (USA), I was interviewed by Miami-based artist and queer ecologist Lee Pivnik, the founder of the Institute of Queer Ecology. In the talk, hosted at Greenspace Miami, I share about my recent art practice and my time in the Everglades.
Visiting Song Sing Soil in the Vleeshal, with Jasper Griepink. A dialogue between Dagmar Bosma and Jasper about soil, zombie fungus dangers, and being symbionts, while visiting the exhibition Song Sing Soil by Eglė Budvytytė en Marija Olšauskaitė.
Featured in a new podcast series by MU Eindhoven about EARTHSHRINE, worldbuilding, the sacred, eco-feminism and queer nature. Great interview by Lieke Mangindaan. Hope you enjoy! (Dutch language).
Essay by Georgia Kareola, contextualizing the exhibition EARTHSHRINE - a show offering an eco-fictional sacred space with multi-media artworks and public gatherings inviting us to redefine our relationship with soil. The essay unpacks the current soil crisis, and works with critical theory on soil ecologies and new materialist thought to help understand sensing as a way of relating, and soil as a complex living, multi-species assemblage.
An exploration of Human and Non-Human Agency in Post-Anthropocentric Rituals
For the 40th anniversary edition of the art magazine Kunstlicht: SPELLBOUND, Georgia Kareola wrote an essay to reflect on my work Enter the Grove and S T O N E O R G Y x DEEPSOIL as performed in various cultural spaces in the Netherlands between 2019 and 2021. The essay focusses on rituals, magical practices and materialist practices within contemporary art and visual culture.
I was interviewed about my recent projects for the podcast Kunst is Lang, by Mister Motley magazine and Luuk Heezen. The interview can be found on nearly all podcast platforms, but also on this link. Click below for the video of the interview.
Writer Puck Kroon published a review at Mister Motley about the show Orgonomics, curated by Pádraic E. Moore for Garage Rotterdam. The exhibition centers on the work of Wilhelm Reich and his research of "orgone energy", a sexual bio-energy famously sung about by Kate Bush in the song Cloud Busting.
Deep and long interview about my work in 2020 with Lieneke Hulshof for Mister Motley. We talk about language, indigenous knowledge, paganism, speculative fiction, and my recent performances.
English translation can be found here. Enjoy!
Delirious Lustwarande - Excursions in Contemporary Sculpture III is a book on contemporary sculpture published by Lustwarande Tilburg. The book collects several years of art shown at Lustwarande, including my work Grove 2.0 - Chapel of Wild Wisdom. The book also includes essays by Dominic van den Boogerd, Johan Pas and Domeniek Ruijters.
Art historian Nadeche Remst wrote a review for Metropolis M about the performance event Echoes of Shamanism, which took place at Zone2Source, Amsterdam. She discusses the works of each artist, also featuring some photographs.
As part of the book We Are The Market! by Onomatopee, Josh Plough wrote a review of my performance Ultra Ecosexual Polyamory. Permaculture ASAP. The book features 18 unannounced commissioned taking place in the shopping center of Eindhoven.
Anne Lotte Dekker wrote a review for Tubelight about the show Disruption - Remapping Nature at Lustwarande Tilburg, for which I had made the work Grove 2.0 - Chapel of Wild Wisdom.
The Dutch newspaper NRC, published a review and photography feature of Disruption - Remapping Nature, the exhibiton at Lustwarande Tilburg, for which I had made the work Grove 2.0 - Chapel of Wild Wisdom.
Domeniek Ruyters, chief editor of Metropolis M, reviews the show Disruption - Remapping Nature at Lustwarande Tilburg, for which I had made the work Grove 2.0 - Chapel of Wild Wisdom.